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Gulf Coast Information Systems

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GCIS net.net
Specializing in Internet Presence

email gcis@gcisnet.net

Among other services we offer, one of
which is virus scanning.

Famous GCIS Quote...You don't get a virus.
You Install it by running it!
of course..you didn't know it was a worm or a virus
NEVER run attachments that you dont expect!
even if it is from a "friend"
Install your own Virus scanner!
and use it!!!!
Get one HERE FREE!

And UPDATE it often!

If you received a message that directed you here.

E-mail to our clients is filtered
and virus scanned by two state of the art scanners.
That are updated hourly.
Our system may have detected that an email you sent
contained a virus or worm.

First you need to know what type of virus was
detected. You can download a free virus
checker at:
This scanner also has free internet updates!

Additionally you can scan your system via the
internet using Trend Micros system at:


The above link will require you to allow an
active X component to be downloaded.

Sources of Virus info include but are not
limited to:

Burlton Systems Lots of Information.!

The Hybris virus.
for the Hybris virus
Magistr-A Most common lately


PLEASE scan your computer.
PLEASE do it before you send more emails!

We at GCIS stop viruses at the MailServer level
This prevents them from spreading to our customers,
additionally this stops their systems from replicating
and spreading the virus.
NEVER double click or run an attachment to an email unless
you are expecting it.
Almost all virus must be ran by the user before they cause
Problems. You don't Get a virus....You INSTALL


For possible e-mail abuse,
IRC abuse or other types

Click HERE to see a real time list of viruses stopped by GCIS!

Real time virus tracking provided by Trend Micro