Welcome to our
Family Photo Album

This page is mainly for our friends and family that are a few miles away and want to keep up and see us more often than the distance allows. It mainly focuses around the short people that run our household, Sam and Dusty, the kids.

It is slow loading due to all the pictures so just sit back and wait a few minutes. I have seperated the album into groups, to help with faster loading .


to see pictures
prior to May 2000 click here


Dusty's last meeting  was such a surprise, he earned his wolf and more !
May 31, 2000

Dusty's last den
meeting 5/31/00
He's worked so hard in
only 6 months he has
achieved so much. We had to celebrate.
Ms. Shelly & Mr. Rob surprised him!
They presented him with some things
he had earned.
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He already earned his wolf, 1 gold arrow,
2 silver arrows, and 2 belt loops. WOW
He got to pin my hard earned
wolf pin on me YIKES !
It was such a surprise, Paw Paw
and Grandma showed up to see it all happen.


Finally after 20 long years at Keesler AFB, Lloyd retires? Whatever will they do without him?
May 30, 2000

Lloyd's Retirement Ceremony
May 30, 2000

Dusty and I recieve honors also ! (Sam was sick)

Flowers, an award and a kiss.. WOW

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Sam turns 11, and the slumber party caos is on full speed !

May 11, 2000

The 2 tier slumber party cake with
silk flowers marks a family tradition.
The girls ofcourse played dress up and had
remarkable fashion show.
After a long night of partying they got together for a group photo.
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Unique sense of style huh? Sam and Rachel, buddies 4 ever. The serious super model !



March of Dimes WalkAmerica
Our company GCIS
participate, as a 4 man team, we lost Sam to the broken toe,  but Dusty
surprised us all by raising the most money for somone under 18,
he raised $600 on his own and was presented with a nintendo 64.


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